Webtelligence is the most deeply integrated and most versatile ecommerce solution for Sage 300. Our platform and methodology allow for functionality that other solutions just can’t accommodate.

Here’s an example.

Live Data from Sage 300

Every integrated ecommerce solution for Sage 300 has some form of data replication process that provides Sage 300 data to the web store or portal. That’s absolutely necessary so your web store can operate and take orders even if Sage is not available 100% of the time. What no other solution has that Webtelligence does is access to live data from Sage 300.

What does that mean and why is it important?

Live means the data is read on demand and is current as of that moment. It does not mean the data is replicated very frequently to be “close” to real time. Data replication needs resources to perform. Doing so very frequently can cause performance issues for Sage users doing their day to day work.

It means that in order to provide a Customer Portal that allows customers to review their history with the merchant, the data does not need to be replicated to the web. It is read live from Sage. Regardless of how that data got into Sage or when, it is available for customers to view.

So rather than replicating your entire Sage data structure to the web, only those data elements that are required to facilitate shopping need to be replicated. The rest can be accessed on demand, and only the data requested needs to be served up, all in a secure, encrypted communication.

If it’s important that your customers know that particular items are available, for example if they are needed for a job that is getting done tomorrow, being able to read inventory availability live from Sage will provide that capability.

With these 2 communication methods, Webtelligence customers can use the method best suited for the task.