Custom Solutions

We know that software is not a process, it is merely a tool. North49 integrates software with clear and simple processes so that your business is well positioned to grow. Our strength lies within the fact that we develop customized solutions to complement your consulting services. Custom development is a cost effective means of solving specific user requirements. We have a very experienced team of full-time developers dedicated to this task. Your client’s business needs will be evaluated, and customized solutions will be developed in order to address their exact needs.

PO Notes was designed to allow purchasers to add detailed notes, instructions comments to purchase orders. Several notes may be added to the same purchase order and can be edited on the fly for this specific order.

Notes are added in the AP system and are designated as Vendor or General notes. Vendor Notes are specific to a particular vendor and will be visible/available only on purchase orders created for that vendor while general notes are available to all vendor orders.


OE Notes provides for adding extended, detailed notes to sales orders. Ideal for warrantee information, shipping instructions or any long notes you want on a sales order.

Notes are added in the AR system and are designated as Customer or General notes. Customer Notes are specific to a particular customer and will be visible/available only on sales orders created for that customer while general notes are available to all customer orders.


Modifiable Kitting allows users to modify kit components on the fly while the sales order is being processed. Item quantities may be changed and items added or removed.

Ask us about custom solutions.

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